Worried About A Safe Working Environment?
Working until late at night can be daunting for many, especially when they are on their own. It is a scary thought being in a building on your own especially when you may be there for a few hours trying to finish off some work, we find that our software can come in quite handy in these situations.
The use of remote access will bring ease to those who are worried about leaving the practice late at night; they will be able to leave the office at a reasonable hour and finish their work when they return to the safety of their own home in the evening. This gives them peace of mind which in turn helps with their general health and wellbeing which is something that we strive to look after as much as possible at Away From My Desk.
A customer of ours, Tom, has shared his experience with us of how using Away From My Desk has brought him some comfort. Unfortunately, late one night after leaving work, Tom was robbed and understandably, this left him feeling anxious, especially about leaving work on his own or late at night. Due to this he no longer felt comfortable going into the surgery, even more so if he was working the late shift or had an increased workload. Since this incident, Tom has joined Away From My Desk and is now able to flexibly work at home on days he doesn’t feel safe going to the surgery.
Tom told us “Away From My Desk has been a really useful service to use since I was robbed. I can now work until later hours in the evening without having to worry about what could happen to me if I was leaving the surgery alone at night”.
By using our service Tom has been able to work in a safer environment and therefore may be able to complete a higher quantity and quality of work during the day, because he knows that he doesn’t have to leave work late at the end of the day; in turn this reduces his anxiety and means that he feels as though he is more capable of treating patients to a higher standard, thanks to being able to look after himself first.
Tom believes that Away From My Desk is such a useful tool to have as a backup in case he doesn’t feel as though he can work from the surgery, and so since joining Away from My Desk he has advocated for colleagues at his surgery to sign up for our NHS Remote Access.
Tom’s situation has caused many of his colleagues to also worry about working late at the surgery and since he has recommended our services there is a calmer atmosphere and better work-life balance for Tom and his team. We have found this with a few other customers who for example suffer with general anxiety about going into the office, using Away From My Desk has allowed them to still do their job just as effectively if not possibly more effectively because they feel more comfortable and therefore can do their job with confidence.
Our mission is to be able to provide a place where people feel happy, less stressed and are able to provide the best healthcare they can without compromising their health and we believe this example from Tom proves this well.
Do you think you or someone you know would benefit from working at home, avoiding late office hours? Why not sign up to our 30-day free trial today!