Need To Work Whilst Shielding?
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, our customers have shared with us how remote working has benefited them when shielding. Shielding to protect yourself has become a common practice in many workplaces since 2020, not only from COVID-19 but other illnesses such as the flu. Shielding is especially important for vulnerable people including the elderly, those with long term illnesses and autoimmune diseases, and those undergoing treatment. NHS workers are at increased risk due to the environment they work in and being around patients who are most likely unwell could have devastating effects for vulnerable workers.
Shielding means that the worker can’t attend the practice as usual, and this has a huge effect on their work and productivity. Our service allows users to access their work PC as if they were sat directly in front of it, from the comfort and safety of their own home.
One of our customers, Miranda, gave us a call as one of her nurses, Sarah, was due to undergo emergency surgery and was required to shield for 3 days prior to her operation. We got the account for Sarah up and running as a 30-day free trial ready for her shielding period, giving her the chance to test it and identify any teething problems in advance.
The only point they raised was that Sarah needed to be able to prepare and print documents when working remotely. There was a quick and easy resolution to this, as we offer and upgrade to our PLUS feature for only £14.40 per year. This upgrade doesn’t require access to the work PC and only takes us a few minutes to process. We had the PLUS upgrade ready for Sarah before she needed to shield.
A few weeks later, we received a call from Miranda requesting for the trial to be extended for a full subscription. Sarah found the service a great use during her shielding period pre-op and decided it would be a huge help for her shielding post-op after her recovery.
After one week of being an annual subscriber, we check in with our customers to see how they are getting on. We received this response from Sarah regarding her experience
“Away From My Desk has been incredible. It has allowed me to continue working and supporting my patients and colleagues, whilst putting my health and recovery first. The initial set up was really quick and easy, and the team have been really helpful along the way with any issues I have had, mostly down to user error! The service is efficient and allows me to see my desktop exactly as if I were sat in front of it at the surgery. I have also upgraded to the PLUS version, which was completed instantly by the team. This feature allows me to print documents and listen to sound at home. I am so grateful to Away From My Desk for helping me through this difficult period, making my work life so much easier”.
Wondering how you are going to keep on top of your work whilst shielding is stressful enough. Rather than taking leave from your role when shielding, why not sign up for a free trial of Away From My Desk today to take this stress and worry away!