YubiKey Security Key

Delivering exceptional security with FIDO2 and U2F.

YubiKey Security Key Series

Delivering exceptional security with FIDO2 and U2F.

Yubikey security key Series family 2 types of yubikey

Modern authentication

Delivering exceptional security with FIDO2 and U2F.

The Security Key by Yubico combines hardware-based authentication, public key cryptography, and U2F and FIDO2, along with USB and NFC capabilities all-in-one to help eliminate account takeovers across desktops, laptops and mobile.

  • Works out of the box with Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, and hundreds of other services.
  • Supports FIDO2 and U2F
  • Enhanced injection molding process leads to strongest and most durable security key to market
  • USB-A, NFC
  • IP68 rated, crush resistant, no batteries required, no moving parts

Modern authentication, easy-to-use

Flexible authentication

Choice of strong single factor (passwordless), two-factor (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Secure the accounts you love

Strongest authentication for any U2F and FIDO2 compatible service.


No additional software or battery is required and authentication is easy, fast, and reliable.

YubiKey security key nfc

Security Key NFC by Yubico

£21.29 + VAT

YubiKey security key C NFC

Security Key C NFC by Yubico

£24.70 + VAT

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