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Struggling To Work Around Family?

For many parents, it can be hard to balance work, running a home, raising children and spending quality family time, all whilst working in a busy role. With things like summer holidays and inset days, you want to spend time with your children but still want to work to be able to run your home. With Away From My Desk, you can choose when and where you work, meaning you can still spend a day out with your family, whilst working! You can complete admin work whilst out and about as long as you have an internet connection.


Another issue parents can come across is their children coming down with sudden illnesses, leaving them in a panic and having to miss work. However, with the use of our NHS Remote Access Product, you can work from the comfort of your own home, whilst tending to your sick child.


Busy businessman working from home with child on his lap whilst on a laptop


Along with this, you want to ensure your young children have a safe route to and from their school. A positive use of Away From My Desk is that it gives you the opportunity to do so, without feeling rushed. For example, you could complete some admin work at home before the school run, meaning that when it’s time to drop off the kids, you won’t be behind on your work. This then gives you the opportunity to go into the practice after the school run and get on with any other work that needs to be done, before having to leave to pick them up.

With the cost-of-living crisis and rising childcare costs, many people are left with limited childcare options. With newborns or toddlers, it is hard to find a reliable and affordable babysitter or nursery to take care of them, whilst you are working.

A benefit of our NHS Remote Access product is that you can cut out the need for this childcare, as you can work from home suiting your needs, as well as the practices. If you need to be in the practice to be able to fulfil the practice needs, Away From My Desk will give you the opportunity to hybrid work, meaning you won’t need to pay for childcare costs 5-days a week.


A customer of ours, Mark, has given us some great feedback. Mark was struggling to find childcare for his young children and was in a panicked state as he didn’t know how he was going to carry on working around his children. Mark has left us the following feedback:

“I would like to thank everyone at the Away From My Desk team for all of their help! Since being set up with my remote access account, I have been able to work flexibly from my home and take care of my children at the same time! I didn’t ever think this would be a possibility, but to my surprise it is. My life is much easier to manage now and I will forever be grateful!”.

Helping customers like Mark feels like a great achievement for us at Away From My Desk and we are always available to help others in Mark’s position.

Why not sign up for a 30-day free trial of Away From My Desk today and take a look at these benefits for yourself?

Adult and children hands holding paper family cutout