What’s Your Favourite Use of Away From My Desk?
There are some fantastic stories of how people are using Away From My Desk to make their work-life better. We love hearing them, and we thought we would share a couple with you! If you have better uses or a fantastic idea you would like to share, let us know and we can feature your story or tip, or we might even contact you to feature you as a case study!
Practice managers have found they can work more productively from home one or two days a week. In stories we regularly hear that they have managed to get far more work done without the usual interruptions. Working this way has meant they have felt less stressed through their working week. One Practice Manager even reported that she has “gained an extra day a week” by working from home for just one day because she’s so productive!

Share your favourite use or story about using remote access with us!
Administration staff can be entirely home-based and able to complete all of their work remotely, meaning you are not limited to location when employing new staff. We even have receptionists working from home answering calls and making appointments, dealing with queries precisely as they would within the surgery.
GPs and nurses with admin work to complete can also do so from home, and often we find they prefer to work this around their family commitments. Working the same number of hours but at times to suit, means they can collect children from school or attend events. They can then finish work at a more convenient time, giving the ultimate flexibility!
My favourite use is telephone consultations from home, when you’re ready to finish and have dinner with your family immediately. No commuting, no packing everything away, just straight to family time!
My personal favourite use is telephone consultations from home. I was expecting a call from my GP a few years ago, the surgery had closed, and I hadn’t heard back. At 7 pm, I received a call; my GP had decided he wanted to leave the practice and get home. He called me from the comfort of his own home and did the whole consultation from there! As the last call of the day, he was excited to let me know he loved the opportunity to travel home from his inner-city practice while the traffic was quiet. Working from home meant he was able to deal with all his patients while being more productive with his time. Better yet, he was home and finished at a reasonable time. As soon as he finished on the call, he was able to have dinner with his family straight away instead of commuting.
What’s your favourite story when working from home or the most valuable benefit to you? We would love to hear and even share your story!