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My Screen Is Too Small Or Blurry

If the screen in your remote session is too small or too blurry, there are a few tools you can use to help this. Read the steps below to find the optimal screen resolution for your session. 

Step 1 - Full Screen

It may help to try using Full Screen to maximise the session. 

On the customise toolbar, select ‘Options’ and then ‘Full Screen’. 


Step 1 of My Screen Is Too Small or Blurry tech guide
Step 1 of My Screen Is Too Small or Blurry tech guide

Step 2 - Match Resolution

On the customise toolbar, select ‘Options’ and then icon for resolution (circled), then select ‘Match Resolution’. 


This will choose the closest match between the size of your work PC screen and your home PC screen


If this doesn’t help, play around with the different options on this list until you find the one which suits you best. 


Step 3 - Zoom In/Out

It may just be that your session is zoomed in or out too far.

On the customise toolbar, select ‘Options’ and then ‘View’. Here, you can zoom in and out of the session.  



If you are not able to resolve the issue you are experiencing from this guide or would just like some guidance, please contact our tech team.


Phone us on 0117 325 0060 or click here to send us a message.